Occupational therapy is the only profession that helps people across the lifespan to do the things
they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Occupational
therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote
health, and prevent- or live better - injury , illness, or disability. It facilitates engagement child in
meaningful activities of daily life (such as self-care skills education , work, or social interaction)
Goal of an occupational therapist is to help children with affected physical , cognitive and social functions, to participate successfully in school and social environment.
Problems faced by children with neurological disorders in their day to day living:
Physical limitations like restricted joint movements, contractures, weakness of hand and leg muscles, increased tone (Spasticity), Decreased tone (Hypo tonicity), Tremors and in-coordination can lead to difficulty in holding the pen / pencil, Difficulty in writing, difficulty in turning pages ,lifting books, objects , difficulty in participating into play or sports activities affecting the academic life of the child.
Affecting cognitive functions can lead to problems like difficulties in reading, writing, calculating , remembering things, etc.
Affected social skills can cause problems like , inability to maintain eye contact , difficulty in having conversations with others, difficulty in participating into group activities, difficulty in playing team games, difficulty participating into annual get together.
Children who have sensory processing issues and showing autistic features showbehaviors like hyperactivity, poor attention, inability to sit at one place, easy distractibility, showing behaviors like rocking, jumping around, stereotypical movements of the hands, distractibility because of light and noise.
All these problems result in increased difficulties in doing basic daily living activities like eating ,brushing, self care, dressing, bathing, toileting.
Sensory Integration therapy
Sensory Integration is the ability of a person to receive different sensory inputs , process and understand them, and then respond to them in an appropriate way. Because of sensory processing disorder, children have problems in directing, regulating, interpreting, and responding to sensory input. Hence, Sensory Integration therapy may help im managing these issues. The intervention includes
•Activities to work on tactile system:
Sensory kit (Materials with different textures) Their putty, play dough, shaving cream. Gel, Finger painting,
Activities to work on propreoceptive system :
Deep pressure with therapy ball, Massage Vibrator, Jumping activities, Wheel barrow.
Activities to work on vestibular system:
Swings, scooter boards, slides, trampolines, Obstacle course.
Regulating auditory and visual sensory environment helps children to focus on their tasks.
Cognitive Training :
Use of visual , auditory , tactile cues for improving memory. Eg. Use of visual schedules , flashcards.
Memory games for improving orientation with respect to time, place and person
Breaking down the task into small subtasks and finding strategies to improve cognitive performance
Use of mnemonics.
Use of computer games for improving cognitive skills.
Occupational therapy plays a vital role in managing children with physical, cognitive, social problems. They identify the problems faced by these children at early stage and formulate personalized therapy intervention based on disabilities which is the essence of making children more independent in their functional skills. It helps in improving the quality of life of these children to a great extents
O.T (Occupational Therapy)